Planning Guide and System Requirements for Cisco Webex Meetings Server Release 4.0 - Downloading and Mass Deploying Applications [Cisco Webex Meetings Server] (2024)

Use of this product requires additional applications that must be downloaded to your users' computers.

About Application Downloads

You can mass-deploy CWMS applications by using the tools available to you on the Webex Site Administration site. The applications available for download include are:

  • Webex Meetings desktop app—The core application for scheduling, attending, or hosting meetings.

    If a user does not have the Webex Meetings desktop app installed, the first time that they join a meeting it automatically downloads to the PC. You can configure this to occur on-demand or silently. The user has the option of using the Cisco Webex Meetings desktop app for the duration of the meeting and having it removed when the meeting is over, or performing an installation of the application. Performing an installation speeds up the process of starting or joining future meetings. Installation fails if the user does not have administrator privileges.

  • Webex Meetings Desktop Application—Adds meeting management functionality to other applications, such as Microsoft™ Outlook®.

    After an update or upgrade to a system, we recommend that you remove any old versions of Webex Meetings Desktop Application and install the latest version.

  • Webex Network Recording Player—Plays back the recordings of meetings. This can include any material displayed during the meeting.

In CWMS the .MSI installer for the applications is available from the Admin > Settings > Downloads page. See "Downloading Applications from the Administration Site" in the CWMS Planning Guide for more information.

We recommend that you push the applications to user computers offline, before you inform those end-users that accounts have been created for them. Pushing the applications ensures that your users can start and join meetings and play network recordings the first time they sign in.

If users have administrator privileges, you can enable users to download the applications from the end-user Downloads page and install the applications themselves. No additional administrator action is required.

When upgrading to Cisco Webex Meetings Server in a locked-down environment where user PCs do not have administrator privileges, before you start the upgrade procedure push the new version of the Webex Meetings application to all user PCs.

Configure Your Application Download Settings

You can permit users to download the Webex Meetings Desktop Application and the Network Recording Player, or choose to push the applications to users.



Sign in to Webex Site Administration.

In a Multidata Center system, the DNS determines which data center Dashboard appears. Use this Dashboard to manage all the data centers in this system.


Go to Settings > Downloads.


Choose one of the following options:

  • Allow users to download application

  • Manually push application to users' desktops

    If you select this option, click each of the Download buttons to download the Webex Meetings Desktop Application and the Network Recording Player.


(Optional) Check Automatically update Webex Meetings Desktop Application when new versions are available.

Application Language Key

The English application installer file in each ZIP file is without a language suffix. The application installer file for each of the other languages contains an abbreviation in the filename that indicates the language of the application it contains. The table lists the abbreviation used for each language:

Abbreviation Language
B5 Traditional Chinese
DE German
ES Latin American Spanish
FR French
GB Simplified Chinese
IT Italian
JP Japanese
KO Korean
NL Dutch
PT Portuguese
RU Russian
SP Spanish

Silent Installation Limitations for CWMS Applications When Using SMS

The following limitations apply when you perform a silent installation by using Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS):
  • SMS per-user mode is not supported.

  • If the SMS administrator wants to add a feature for Webex Meetings Desktop Application, run the REMOVE command first, and then run the ADDSOURCE command.

  • If users log on to their computers using remote desktop while their administrator advertises the package, have the users restart their computers.

  • Mass deployment is possible, but each user must enter their credentials.

  • Before you update to a maintenance release or upgrade to a newer release, have all users uninstall Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application. After the update or upgrade, you can manually push the application to your users or they can download it from the Downloads page.

  • If you are using Lync integration, after a silent installation your users must restart their computers to ensure that all instant messenger integrations work properly.

Create a Package from a Definition



Open the SMS Administrator Console, and go to Site Database > Package.


Right-click Package.


Go to New > Package From Definition.


On the Create Package from Definition wizard, click Next.


Click Browse to locate and select the MSI package, and then click Next.


Select Always obtain files from a source directory, and then click Next.


Select Source directory location, and then click Next.


Click Finish.

Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application Deployment

Install the Webex Meetings Desktop Application

Installing the Cisco Webex MSI package requires administrator privileges. The MSI package installs to the default OS Programs folder, which requires administrator privileges to access.

If the version of your Windows Installer Service is outdated, an error message appears. To install the Webex MSI package, upgrade to a newer version of the Windows Installer Service.



Run the installer on the user's computer.

The installation wizard appears with an introductory message.


Click Next in the following dialogue boxes until you reach the installation dialogue box.


Click Install.


Click Finish when the installation is complete.

Uninstall the Webex Meetings Desktop Application



Sign in to the user's computer.


Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.


From the list of programs, choose Cisco Webex Meetings, and then click Uninstall/Change.

Install Silently—Command Line



Sign in to the user's computer.


Download the MSI package to the computer hard drive.


Open the Windows Command prompt.

On Windows 7 and later, you must use run as administrator to open the prompt window.


Install all components of the MSI package webexapp.msi by entering the command msiexec.exe /qn /i "webexapp.msi".

Uninstall Silently—Command Line



Sign in to the user's computer.


Download the MSI package to the computer hard drive.


Open the Windows Command prompt.

On Windows 7 and later, you must use run as administrator to open the prompt window.


Uninstall all components of the MSI package webexapp.msi by entering the command msiexec.exe /q /x "webexapp.msi".

Advertise—SMS Per-System Unattended Program

You can use Webex Administration to manually push the Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application to your users. Alternately you can allow users to download the Webex Meetings Desktop Application from the end-user Downloads page.

If you are the Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS) administrator, you can advertise Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application by using the SMS per-system unattended program.



Create a package from the definition.

See Create a Package from a Definition.


Change the program options for Per-system unattended before advertisem*nt:

  1. Open the SMS administrator console and go to Site Database > Packages > Cisco Webex LLC Cisco Webex Productivity Tools 2.82 > Programs.

  2. Right-click Per-system unattended and select Properties to open the Per-system unattended Program Properties dialog box.

  3. Click the Environment tab.

    • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.

    • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program.)

  4. Click the General tab.

  5. Append additional parameters to the command line, to specify options for Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application:

    • SITEURL=″″ specifies the Webex Site URL used by your company.

    • Integration parameters should be uppercase and the default value is 0 (Disabled).

      In the following example, the initial command line is msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIZWPBY /i "webexapp.msi".

      Append Productivity Tools flags and parameters to the command line: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIZWPBY /i "webexapp.msi" SITEURL="" OI=1 MSN=1.


Advertise the program.

  1. Open the SMS administrator console and go to Site Database > Packages > Cisco Webex LLC Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application English > Programs.

  2. Right-click Per-system unattended.

  3. Click All Tasks > Distribute Software.

  4. Click Next in the Distribute Program Wizard.

  5. Select the SMS Server, and then click Next.

  6. Select the collection, and then click Next.

  7. Enter the advertisem*nt name in the Name field, and then click Next.

  8. Specify whether the advertisem*nt should apply to subcollections, and then click Next.

  9. Specify when the program will be advertised, and then click Next.

  10. Specify whether to assign the program, and then click Next.

  11. Click Finish on the Completing the Distribute Program Wizard page.

  12. Navigate to the \Site Database\System Status\Advertisem*nt Status directory and check the advertisem*nt status.

    If you enable notification, the user sees a message indicating that the assigned program will run after the program advertisem*nt. The assigned program runs silently.

Install Components—SMS Per-System Unattended Program

To install components of Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application, you must first run REMOVE and then run ADDSOURCE, even though the components were not previously installed.



Create a new program named Add-phase1, copy all the options from the “per-system unattended program,” and then update the command line:

  1. Open the SMS administrator console and go to Site Database > Packages > Cisco Webex LLC Webex Meetings Desktop Application > Programs.

  2. Right-click the blank area and then select New > Program.

  3. Enter the program name and default command line.

  4. On the properties dialog, select the Environment tab.

    • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.

    • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program.)

  5. Update the command-line on the General tab.

  6. Append REMOVE to the command line and specify the features that must be added.


    If you want to add OI and PITM (the PITM value is for the Webex integration to instant messengers), you must REMOVE them first, even if they are not already installed: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "webexapp.msi" REMOVE="OI,PTIM"


Advertise the program to the specified collection of work machines in the domain.


Create a second program name, “Add-phrase2”, and copy all the options from the “per-system unattended program” and then update the command line:

  1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco Webex LLC Webex Meetings Desktop Application > Programs.

  2. Right-click the blank area and then select New > Program.

  3. Enter the program name and default command line.

  4. On the properties dialog box, select the Environment tab.

    • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.

    • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program).

  5. On the properties dialog box select, the Advanced tab.

  6. Turn on Run another program first and select program Add-phase1.

  7. Update the command-line on the General tab.

  8. Append ADDSOURCE to the command line and specify the features to be added.


    To add OI and PITM, use the following command: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "webexapp.msi" ADDSOURCE="OI,PTIM" OI=1 MSN=1


Advertise the program to the specified collection of work machines in the domain.

Uninstall Components—SMS Per-System Unattended Program

Perform the following procedure to remove Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application by using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS):



Create a new program and copy all the options from the “per-system unattended program” as described in Advertise—SMS Per-System Unattended Program, and then update the command line:

  1. Open the SMS administrator console and go to Site Database > Packages > Cisco Webex LLC Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application > Programs.

  2. Right-click the blank area, and then go to New > Program.

  3. Enter the program name and default command line.

  4. In the Properties dialog box, click the Environment tab.

    • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.

    • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program).

  5. Update the command-line on the General tab.

  6. Append REMOVE to the command line and specify the features that you want to remove.


    If you want to remove OI, enter the following command: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "webexapp.msi" REMOVE="OI"

    The PTIM value is for CWMS integration to instant messengers. Example:

    msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "webexapp.msi" REMOVE="PTIM"


Advertise the program to the specified collection of work machines in the domain.

Uninstall the Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application—SMS Per-System Unattended Program



Use the SMS Installation package that you created to deploy the Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application.

See Create a Package from a Definition.


Advertise the per-system uninstall program to uninstall the Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application.

Adverstise to Update or Upgrade the Version—SMS Per-System Unattended Program

Before you install a maintenance release or upgrade your system to a newer release, have users uninstall Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application. After the upgrade, you can use Webex Administration to manually push the application to your users, or users can download it from the end-user Downloads page.

Sign in to Webex Administration, go to Settings > Downloads, and then disable the following settings:

  • Automatically update Webex Meetings Desktop Application when new versions are available.

  • Allow users to download application.



Create a new SMS installation package by using webexapp.msi.

See Create a Package from a Definition for more information.


Change the program options for Per-system unattended before advertisem*nt.

For more information, see Install Components—SMS Per-System Unattended Program.


Advertise the program.

For more information, see Install Components—SMS Per-System Unattended Program.

Cisco Network Recording Player Deployment

Install the Network Recording Player

If the version of your Windows Installer Service is outdated, an error message appears. To install the Webex MSI package, upgrade to a newer version of the Windows Installer Service.

Before you begin

Verify that you have administrator privileges on the computer. The Cisco Webex MSI package installs in the default OS Programs folder, which requires administrator privileges.



Run the installer on the computer.

The installation wizard appears with an introductory message.


Click Next on each of the dialogue boxes until the installation dialogue box appears.


Click Install.


Click Finish.

Install Silently—Command Line

You can sign in to a user’s computer and install the Cisco Webex Recording Player by using silent mode.



Sign in to the computer.


Download the MSI package to the computer hard drive.


Open the Windows Command prompt.

On Windows 7, you must use run as administrator to open the prompt window.


Enter the MSI command to install Webex Recording Player silently.


Enter msiexec/i nbr2player_onprem.msi/qn.


Restart the computer.

Uninstall Silently—Command Line Interface

You can sign in to a user’s computer and remove the Network Recording Player by using silent mode.



Sign in to the user's computer.


Download the MSI package to the computer hard drive.


Open the Windows Command prompt.

On Windows 7, you must use run as administrator to open the prompt window.


Uninstall all components of the MSI package onpremmc.msi by entering the command msiexec/i nbr2player_onprem.msi/qn.

Advertise—SMS Per-System Unattended Program

Before you begin

Sign in to Webex Administration, and then configure your Download settings to manually push the Webex desktop applications.

You must be an SMS administrator.



Create a package from the definition.

See Create a Package from a Definition for more information.


Change the program options for "Per-system unattended" before advertisem*nt:

  1. Open the SMS administrator console, and go to Site Database > Packages > Cisco Webex LLC Cisco Webex Network Recording Player English > Programs.

  2. Right click the Per-system unattended option, and theb click Properties to open the Per-system unattended Program Properties dialog box.

  3. Click the Environment tab.

    • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.

    • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. Do not select Allow users to interact with this program.

  4. Click the General tab.

  5. Append an additional parameter to the command line option to specify some options for the Webex Meetings application:


    For example, the initial command line is: msiexec /i "nbr2player_onprem.msi" /qn


Advertise the program.

  1. Open the SMS administrator console, and go to Site Database > Packages > Cisco Webex LLC Cisco Webex Network Recording Player English > Programs.

  2. Right-click Per-system unattended.

  3. Go to All Tasks > Distribute Software.

  4. Click Next in the Distribute Program Wizard.

  5. Select the SMS Server and click Next.

  6. Select the collection, and then click Next.

  7. Enter the advertisem*nt name in the Name field, and then click Next.

  8. Specify whether the advertisem*nt should apply to subcollections, and then click Next.

  9. Specify when the program will be advertised, and then click Next.

  10. Specify whether to assign the program, and then click Next.

  11. Click Finish on the Completing the Distribute Program Wizard page.

  12. Navigate to the \Site Database\System Status\Advertisem*nt Status directory and check the advertisem*nt status.

    If you enable notification, users see a message indicating that the assigned program will run after the advertisem*nt. The assigned program runs silently.

Uninstall—SMS Per-System Uninstall Program

The SMS administrator can use the following procedure to uninstall the Cisco Webex Network Recording Player.



Create an SMS Installation package.

See Create a Package from a Definition.


Advertise the per-system uninstall program to uninstall the Cisco Webex Network Recording Player.

The Cisco Webex Network Recording Player silently uninstalls from the specified machines.

Paths to Mass-Deployed Applications

After you perform an update of your Cisco Webex Meetings Server (CWMS) software, you may need to update the paths to your mass-deployed applications. After an update, the path for the Network Recording Player automatically updates the first time it is used to play a recording.

Applications on both Windows and Mac systems are automatically updated to maintain compatibility with your updated system. In a locked down environment, you must perform updates manually for Windows systems, but not for Mac systems.

For Mac systems the path is /Users/(Local User)/Library/Application Support/Webex Folder/.

For Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 systems, the path is <SystemDisk>\ProgramData\Webex.

From Webex Meetings Desktop Application, use the Webex Meetings Desktop Application path.

If you are using MSI installation, always use a unique path. Your system ignores the existing file.

If you are using the download type with Windows 7, your system uses a unique path. Otherwise the system uses its own path, as described above.

Planning Guide and System Requirements for Cisco Webex Meetings Server Release 4.0 - Downloading and Mass Deploying Applications [Cisco Webex Meetings Server] (2024)


What are the system requirements for Webex? ›

Windows recommended minimum system requirements
  • Operating System—Windows 10 32-bit/64-bit. If you're in a VDI environment, make sure you're using a supported platform for virtual backgrounds. ...
  • Processor: Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 4000 series or higher. ...
  • Memory: 8 GB or more of RAM.

How do I set up a Cisco Webex meeting? ›

Enter your meeting info:
  1. Edit the meeting topic.
  2. Choose a Start and End date and time.
  3. Tap Invitees and add people by name, email, or choose from the Recents list. ...
  4. Tap Add a Room, search for a room by name and tap room to add. ...
  5. Tap Meeting link and choose One-time meeting link or Personal room link.
Apr 13, 2024

How do I organize a Cisco Webex meeting? ›

How to set up a Webex meeting
  1. Sign in to the Webex website. Begin by creating a Webex account and signing in to the site. ...
  2. Customize your meeting settings. ...
  3. Enable tracking codes. ...
  4. Use advanced options. ...
  5. Create a template. ...
  6. Start or schedule your meeting.
Feb 3, 2023

What are the minimum required knowledge workers for the Webex suite? ›

You are required to cover Your entire enterprise (all Knowledge Workers), with a minimum of 250 Knowledge Workers to access the Suites in the Collaboration Portfolio. A single Webex Calling Dedicated Instance may be selected with 1000 Knowledge Workers (KWs) at no additional cost.

What are the three primary operating principles for the entire Webex platform? ›

Our three security principles: Webex is committed to respecting the privacy of your data. Webex is secure by default. Webex has security cyber governance and is transparent when there are security issues.

Does Cisco Webex require download? ›

When you click the join link in your email invite, the Webex Meetings app automatically downloads. You can also download it from If you want to join without downloading anything, join from your browser.

How does Cisco Webex Meetings work? ›

WebEx Meeting Center allows users to start, schedule and conduct meetings. Users can prepare an invitation to a meeting with Microsoft Outlook. To invite attendees, a user only has to have their email address. The user can then join using their computer or smartphone.

How to use Cisco Webex for video conferencing and online meetings? ›

Change your audio and video settings before joining your meeting.
  1. Use Internet for audio (default)—Use your phone with a headset or speakers.
  2. Call me—Enter a phone number and Webex calls you. ...
  3. Call in—If you prefer to use your phone for audio, dial in when the meeting starts.
Feb 13, 2024

Is Cisco Webex Meetings free? ›

A whole lot of video conferencing features, free.

Multiple video views, including active speaker and thumbnail view, grid view, floating view. Desktop, application, file & whiteboarding screen sharing.

What is Cisco Webex Meetings Server? ›

Cisco Webex Meetings Server is a virtualized, software-based solution that runs on Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS ®) servers and VMware.

What is the default layout of Webex Meetings? ›

Grid view is the default layout for Webex Meetings, when content isn't shared. When content is shared, the default view is Stage view.

Where is Cisco Webex Meetings installed? ›

Installation Directory
Installation MethodOSPrior to WBS39.10
Mass deploy and manual installWindowsC:\Program Files (x86)\Webex\Webex\Applications
Auto install after meeting endsWindowsC:\Users\username\AppData\ Local\WebEx\WebEx\Applications
Feb 20, 2024

What are the limitations of Webex Meetings? ›

Any cascades in Webex Meetings are limited to up to six streams at a time in either direction. For example, Webex Meetings participants only see up to six video streams of Webex Video Platform users connected through Webex Cisco Webex, Webex Room and Desk Devices, Skype for Business, and other SIP or H.

What are the capabilities of Cisco Webex meetings? ›

Webex Meetings Features
  • 20 million reliable video conferences a month.
  • Free video calls and screen sharing with Webex.
  • Screen share — free.
  • Webex webinars are delivered reliably.
  • Easily present online.
  • Collaborate with your team.
  • Get more from your conference call.

What is the maximum number of users in Webex meeting? ›

1000 participants

What are the Internet requirements for Webex? ›

High Definition Video: 2.5 Mbps (Receive) and 3.0 Mbps (Send) High Quality Video: 1.0 Mbps (Receive) and 1.5 Mbps (Send) Standard Quality Video: 0.5 Mbps (Receive) and 0.5 Mbps (Send)

What are the system requirements for Webex virtual background? ›

We recommend that you use an image or video file that's 480 × 360 pixels in size or larger. Files can't be larger than 1920 × 1080. To change your background during a meeting, click Video options , click Change virtual background, choose the background, and then click Save.

Do you need wifi for Webex? ›

How do I use Webex without internet? If you don't have access to Wi-Fi or cellular data, you can still call in to the meeting through a telephone network by using the Webex call-in numbers from your meeting invite.

Does Webex work on Windows? ›

Go to for Webex App for Web. For Webex App for Windows, you must have Windows 10 or later. We only support Windows 64-bit, to check your system type: Open the Control Panel.


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