Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (2024)

For many of us migraine warriors, weather changes trigger migraine attacks. However, nasty weather doesn't have to mean a nasty migraine attack; learn tips to cope with weather's unpredictability.

Dark clouds don't just mean "take cover" topeoplewith migraine. For many of us, an approaching storm signals the unavoidable beginning of another raging attack. My friend Nan used to say she was a human barometer;she could predict a storm before the weather forecaster. Can you senseweather changes on the horizon?

Weather Changes Trigger Migraine Attacks

Those with migraine have reported that certain weather conditions can be a trigger, including:

Migraine Again

Verified Source

How to Manage Weather-Related Migraines. Brain and Life. June/July 2013.

View SourceWeather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (1)Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (2)

  1. Temperature changes
  2. High humidity
  3. High winds
  4. Stormy weather
  5. Extremely dry conditions
  6. Bright lights and sun glare
  7. Barometricor atmosphericpressure changes

A 2013 study out of the University of Cincinnati showed a 31% increased risk of headache and a 28% increased risk of migraine on days lightning struck within 25 miles of study participants' homes.

Migraine Again

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Martin V, Houle T, NicholsonR, et al.Lightning and its association with the frequency of headache in people with migraine: An observational cohort study. Cephalalgia.April 2013.

View SourceWeather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (3)Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (4)

In addition, Japanese university researchers found that 64% of the patients they tracked through a year of storms experienced migraine attacks when barometric pressure dropped.

Sensitivity to Weather Triggers Can Vary

According to the American Migraine Foundation (AMF),weather triggers are only one piece of the puzzle, even with weather-related attacks. A single trigger like a storm might not be able to start an attack on its own, unless it's dramatic.

"The weather change may only 'cause' a migraine attack if it is able to add together with another trigger, like a meal containing monosodium glutamate or a glass of red wine," noted AMF, for people susceptible to those triggers.

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And not everyone is equally sensitive to weather. "Among those that are, some may be sensitive to one weather pattern, and others may be sensitive to another one," says AMF.

Migraine Again

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Weather and Migraine. AMF Resource Library.February 2016.

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Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (12)

Why Weather Patterns Affect People With Migraine

There may be different reasons why certain weather patterns trigger migraine attacks. High humidity and extremely dry conditions may exacerbate dehydration, one of the most common and preventable migraine triggers. Bright lights and sun glare activate a condition called photophobia (a painful sensitivity to light) among many people with migraine.

Why lightning and barometric pressure are associated with migraine isn't completely understood. It may be that environmental changes that affect the body's homeostasis, or setpoint, are involved.

Vince Martin, MD,the director of the Headache and Facial Pain Center at the University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute,is the lead author of a handful of studies on weather-related migraine. In an interview during the 2018 Migraine World Summit he explained what he's learned about atmospheric pressure-related migraine attacks:

"Rising barometric pressure can trigger a migraine attack in some individuals. Falling barometric pressure can trigger it in some individuals. But the two often do not cross. So generally speaking, you're either sensitive to falls or you're sensitive to rises but not both."

As for lightning, Dr. Martin and researchers suggest a couple of different theories:

"There's something about lightning — whether it's the electromagnetic waves called sferics that are emitted or whether it interacts with different environmental factors such as mold or different funguses in the environment is really unknown right now. But our research suggests that lightning has a unique effect on headache that cannot be explained by other meteorological factors."

Migraine Again

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Surviving Weather-Related Migraine.Migraine World Summit. 2018.

View SourceWeather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (13)Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (14)

More study is needed on medical and natural remedies for headaches caused by weather changes.

8 Tips to Dodge a Weather-Triggered Migraine Attack

Read on for 8 tips to help you weather the next thundercloud before it bursts inside your head. Mostof these are nondrug, natural remedies for headaches caused by weather changes that can save you from taking more migraine medication.

1. Drink Up

If you needed another reason to guzzle more water, high humidity and extremely dry weather can be managed with better hydration.

2.Stay Indoors

While it won't avert electromagnetic waves or barometric pressure, it will help you manage exposure to bright light, extreme temperatures, and high humidity.

3.Invest in New Specs

Even when you're indoors, fluorescentand other bright lightcan aggravate some migraine warriors. Block indoor lights and outdoor glare with migraine glasses;there are several options on the market. Yes, you can wear shades to the supermarket and look like a rock star!

4.Know the Weather Forecast

Knowing which weather-related triggers are headed your way might give you a chance to alter your plansor, at the very least, keep your migraine treatments handy.

There's a feature on AccuWeather that gives a migraine forecast for your area. Itincludes several migraine-specific weather triggers (wind, air quality, storms, etc.). Our Facebook audience shared with us that it is a remarkably accurate way to know how to prevent weather-related migraine attacks.

5.Keep an Eye on the Barometric Pressure

You can't control the atmospheric pressure, but monitoring it can give you a heads-up that a potential migraine trigger is on its way. If you don't travel much, you can get a barometer for your home or workplace.

Alternatively,you can track it on your phone.Community member Diana D. shares about an app that sends alerts for incoming changes in barometric pressure: "I use WeatherX earplugs — they have an app that lets you set the shift in pressure alert up or down. This has cut my headaches tremendously." This app is available for both iPhones and Androids.

6. Talk to Your Doctor About Prevention

If you notice a clear pattern between migraine changes in weatherand your migraine attacks, it may be worth talking to your doctor about a preventive medication.

"When necessary, the short-term use of a preventive medication may be necessary during times of the year when the temperature is excessively warm or barometric pressure changes are particularly frequent (July in Phoenix!) in order to be more resistant and less vulnerable to weather triggers," saidDavid Dodick, MD, Professor (Emeritus)for Mayo Clinic International, inThe New York Times blog.

Migraine Again

Verified Source

When Weather Makes Migraines Worse. New York Times Blog. July 2010

View SourceWeather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (15)Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (16)

7.Limit Your Other Triggers

Once you know that a storm is on its way or underway, the key to avoiding a weather-related migraine attack is to limit your exposure to other triggers. Avoid positive or negative stress, get adequatesleep, avoid any potential food and drink triggers,exercise regularly, and practice the best prevention protocol possible.

"From a practical standpoint, there is not much a patient can do to control the weather or avoid changes in barometric pressure," explains Dr. Dodick. "However, it is prudent to stay well hydrated and to avoid strenuous outdoor activities or exercise during times of the day when it's excessively warm or humid. It's also important to be vigilant about managing other trigger factors like sleep and diet.

"You can't control the migraine weather today, but you can be prepared."

8.If All Else Fails, Move

If your migraine weather today is intolerable, you might be inspired by this Migraine Journey of someone who moved for her health.

Yes, this seems like a radical idea to many, but if chronic migraineisruining your life and you can get better control of a major trigger by moving, this might be an option for you. Before you do, ponderwise advice of migraine blogger Kerrie Smyres, who relocated from Seattle to Phoenix.

Where should you move? Discoverthe best and worst places to live with migrainein the United States. Eight of the 20 best cities are in temperate California. Could it be a coincidence that the city with Migraine Again's biggest audience is rainy London?

Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (17)

Test Your Powers ofMigraine Weather Prediction

Before you get too bummed out about the weather you can't control, consider this:It might just be a hidden superpower. In a way, those with migraine are more in tune with their environment. Could this have actually been an evolutionary advantage?

While this is just a theory, I like the idea of being a human barometer. It makes me different, a little special—just in case the Weather Channel calls to offer me a job.

Track your migraine attacks as you track the weather and see if it's a trigger for you. If it is, start forecasting so you can adjust your exposure to triggers that you can control.

Holly Gerring-Leone contributed to this article.

Weather-Related Migraine: 8 Tips to Dodge Another Brain Storm (2024)


What is the best treatment for weather related migraines? ›

Keep your migraine medicine with you, especially if you are in weather conditions that seem to trigger headaches. And if you experience any of the early symptoms or warning signs of migraines, you may want to consider taking your migraine medication to help avoid or lessen the severity of the headache,” Chavez said.

How do you get rid of barometric pressure headaches? ›

Some people can manage symptoms with over-the-counter (OTC) medications, like:
  1. acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  2. ibuprofen (Advil)
  3. Excedrin, which is a combination drug that includes acetaminophen, caffeine, and aspirin.

What is the root cause of migraine? ›

Hormonal changes, specifically fluctuations and estrogen that can occur during menstrual periods, pregnancy and perimenopause can trigger a migraine attack. Other known triggers include certain medications, drinking alcohol, especially red wine, drinking too much caffeine, stress.

How can you avoid migraines resulting from changes in barometric pressure? ›

Manage your stress.

As barometric pressure falls, people who suffer from migraine headaches will often sense it and become stressed. Stress hormones also can provoke a headache. Managing stress through exercise, lifestyle changes, deep breathing or relaxation techniques will help ward it off.

What is the number one migraine relief? ›

Triptans scored five to six times more helpful than ibuprofen. The highest ranked drug, eletriptan, helped 78% of the time. Other triptans, including zolmitriptan (Zomig) and sumatriptan (Imitrex), were helpful 74% and 72% of the time, respectively.

What medication is used for barometric migraines? ›

over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) acetaminophen (Tylenol) antinausea medications. medications called triptans, which treat migraine and cluster headaches.

Where is the best place to live if you have barometric pressure headaches? ›

So, what does it all mean? Mostly, that if you suffer from pressure-induced migraines, and you live in the northern U.S. states, you may be able to significantly improve your quality of life by relocating to one of the southern states, especially to southern California or Florida.

How do you stop barometric pressure pain? ›

Tips to lessen weather-related pain
  1. Being active. Muscles, tendons and ligaments that don't move tend to tighten up. ...
  2. Stretching regularly. ...
  3. Staying warm. ...
  4. Heat treatment. ...
  5. Reviewing your diet. ...
  6. Consider using anti-inflammatory medication.
Jan 15, 2023

What is the best climate for migraine sufferers? ›

Mild California Takes the Cake

Of the 20 best migraine cities in the United States, eight of them are in California. This is most likely due to the lack of thunderstorms, which keeps the barometric pressure steadier than in places with rapidly changing weather.

What vitamin deficiency can cause migraines? ›

The deficiency of many nutrients including magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, cobalamin, coenzymes Q10, carnitine, α-lipoic acid and vitamin D is associated with migraine.

What vitamin helps with migraine headaches? ›

Of the prophylactic treatments, we can mention the intervention with nutritional supplements (magnesium, coenzyme Q10, a-lipoic, vitamins B2, B3, B12, and D), which has already attracted much attention in the prevention of migraine and other types of headache.

How many migraines a month is too many? ›

Chronic migraine is defined as having headache on at least 15 days per month, with eight of these having migraine symptoms, for at least three months. People who have fewer headache days with migraine symptoms have episodic migraine. If you have chronic migraine your symptoms may include: frequent headache.

How do you get rid of weather migraines? ›

But you can make attacks less likely by making some changes to your lifestyle, like getting the same amount of sleep every night, maintaining a healthy migraine diet, and exercising regularly. If that's not enough, consider trying a preventive medication like anticonvulsants, beta blockers, or antidepressants.

Why do I get a migraine every time the weather changes? ›

For some, weather changes or weather-related triggers can also cause an imbalance in brain chemicals, such as serotonin, prompting a migraine. Other weather-related triggers include dry air, high humidity, wind, and sun glare. Bright sunlight or cloudy days and extreme temperatures can also be triggers.

Why am I so sensitive to barometric pressure? ›

Some people may be more sensitive to weather changes experiencing more stiffness, pain, and swelling with a barometric pressure decline. Scientists suggest that a fall in air pressure allows the tissues (including muscles and tendons) to swell or expand.

How do you treat seasonal migraines? ›

Medications such as ibuprofen may help decrease headaches. Some drugs also combine acetaminophen and caffeine, which may reduce migraine symptoms.

Why do I get migraines when the weather is bad? ›

For some, weather changes or weather-related triggers can also cause an imbalance in brain chemicals, such as serotonin, prompting a migraine. Other weather-related triggers include dry air, high humidity, wind, and sun glare. Bright sunlight or cloudy days and extreme temperatures can also be triggers.


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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.