Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Frostfire Ridge - WoW (2024)

Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Frostfire Ridge - WoW (1)

In Warlords of Draenor, Frostfire Ridge serves as the starting zone for Horde players once they’ve endured the initial rigors of Tanaan Jungle and survived their first encounter with the Iron Horde. To take you on a journey through Frostfire’s snow-covered wastes and towering volcanoes, we cornered* Associate Game Designer/self-appointed Grand Cheese Taster Zachariah Owens and Game Designer/ Champion of Sarcasm Ryan Shwayder and “convinced” them to divulge some of the zone’s secrets.

Zone Music Piece: Magnificent Desolation

What’s the story in Frostfire Ridge?

Zachariah Owens: In a nutshell? Survive.

After a daring escape from the clutches of the Iron Horde in Tanaan Jungle, you, Thrall, and a handful of survivors run ashore on the southern banks of Frostfire Ridge.

This landing is well-timed. Soon after the crash, you are met by Durotan, youngest son of Garrad and acting chieftain of the Frostwolf clan. Unlike the other clans, the Frostwolves chose to defy the Iron Horde and refused to join their ranks. This has put them in a dangerous position, with the ogre slavers of Bladespire Fortress on one side and the beastmasters of the Thunderlord clan on the other. The Thunderlord are eager to prove themselves to the Iron Horde and will stop at nothing to eradicate the Frostwolf clan from existence.

Outnumbered and surrounded by enemies, Durotan and his Frostwolves will need all the help they can get to survive. It falls to you to quickly establish a Garrison and raise an army using whatever means necessary to aid the Frostwolves and secure a foothold in Draenor.

Oh, and of course, what Durotan doesn’t know is that Thrall is his son, not yet born in this timeline. Thrall also has a personal stake in the plight of the Frostwolves. This is a chance to meet his parents and his clan when they were in their prime: Powerful heroes bound by honor and loyalty. For Horde players, this is a chance to ride alongside some of the greatest and most iconic heroes of the Horde.

Ryan Shwayder: Beneath all of the strife and survival is an undertone of family. Thrall meeting his parents, the interaction between Durotan and Draka, and brothers who have fallen out of touch. There's a certain humanity—orc-manity?—about the Frostwolves and others within Frostfire Ridge that really resonates throughout the story.

Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Frostfire Ridge - WoW (2)

What is the zone like?

Zachariah Owens: Cold, merciless, and beautiful. The snow-covered landscape is broken by violent volcanoes and lakes of ice—not to mention the mountains made of spires of volcanic rock warped by years of wind and cold. Looking closely, one can see echoes of what would eventually become the Blade’s Edge Mountains in Outland.

Here we get to see what two orc clans were like before they joined the Horde. Both were shaped by this hard land, and you can see that reflected in their tactics, clothing, lifestyles, and demeanor. But you also get to see just how different two clans of orcs can be from each other despite having a shared background.

In the west stand the proud orcs of the Frostwolf clan. Led by their young chieftain, Durotan, these orcs have chosen to defy the Iron Horde and keep to their ancestral homeland. Threatened on all sides by enemies and the environment, they hold true to their bonds of clan and family.

This is also the home of the Thunderlord clan. Greatest of hunters and known for their mastery of beasts, this clan uses numbers and tactics to conquer animals of all types, from the flying rylaks to the defiant gronn. Their homes are the bones of the great colossi, ancient giants lost to the ravages of time. It’s even rumored that the mysterious Iron Wolf, Warlord of the Thunderlord, seems to have a very personal vendetta against the Frostwolves....

The zone likes death, bloodshed, and long walks off short cliffs.

We also get a chance to meet the ogres when they were still organized and holding on to the last vestiges of their once-great empire.

In the west, the ogres of Bladespire Fortress have long sought to enslave and subjugate any orcs that dare defy them. Meanwhile, in the north, the ogres of Bloodmaul have begun to enter into negotiations with the Iron Horde, exchanging slaves and services to some dark end.

And of course, we can’t have Draenor without the infamous gronn. They and their magnaron masters control the eastern part of the zone. Part of an ancient breed, the magnaron practice dark, primal magics, and act according to an agenda they have never shared with anyone. Some claim that if the magnaron win, all of Draenor will be cast into a frozen wasteland like Frostfire Ridge.

Ryan Shwayder: The zone likes death, bloodshed, and long walks off short cliffs. It's interested in zones with a harsh climate—a land that isn't afraid to be itself. Its brutally honesty, or perhaps just brutal. Actually, I might have misheard the question....

Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Frostfire Ridge - WoW (3)

What are three of your favorite locations players should check out on their journey through the zone?

Zachariah Owens: Thunder’s Fall and Colossal’s Fall. These two cities are home to the Thunderlord clan and are formed in the bones of dead colossi. We wanted to show the Thunderlord as legendary hunters, and these are the places we really got to go all out with depicting that fantasy. Here you get to see them raising rylaks for air support; wrangling clefthoof for pack animals; and taming boars, birds, and even gronn—all being hunted, shackled, subjugated under the will of the Thunderlord beastmasters.

As far as other favorite locations, I have to say Bladespire Citadel is a place not to miss. This citadel is a massive structure that dominates the landscape and is one of the last remnants of the sort of power the ogre empire once wielded. This was a chance for us to really show some of the cultural differences between the ogres of the past and the lumbering oafs we know today. Everything from their fighting style to their architecture is reminiscent of their dying culture. Early in the questing experience you will get to lay siege to this fortress with an army of elite Frostwolves at your back and Thrall at your side.

This was a chance for us to really show some of the cultural differences between the ogres of the past and the lumbering oafs we know today.

But hands down one of my favorite locations is the Crackling Plains in the east. This great frozen lake is bordered by giants and beasts of every sort, often venturing their way onto the ice in search of food or worse. Here, gronn can be seen marching across the ice, hunting clefthoof or frost wolves, in turn being hunted by Thunderlord giant stalkers. Great magnaron stride out into the open slaying anything in sight, their loyal goren scavengers not far behind them to eat up what remains. Meanwhile, in many places cracks in the ice begin to form as things that were birthed in the dark deeps begin to scuttle to the surface on many, many legs. This is the place that is sure to remind you of the savagery of Draenor and the many types of giants that can be found there.

Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Frostfire Ridge - WoW (4)

Ryan Shwayder: Let's be honest, my co-conspirator took at a minimum four favorite locations, which leaves me only capable of listing two locations to balance things out. I saw what you did there, Zachariah!

First is Icescar Boneyard in the northwestern reaches of Frostfire Ridge. Demonic summoning circles, bones, and necromantic orcs really get the nostalgia going and highlight a cool multi-zone story arc in Warlords of Draenor.

I also really like Wor'gol because I've always wanted to get to know where the Frostwolves came from better. It does a great job of showing their Spartan existence in a territory harsh even by Draenor standards. I like wandering the area through the eyes of Thrall, seeing the home of his ancestors as he would.

I'm stealing back a third location. More than anything ever, I love the crap out of Ogre Hut 01 in Grimfrost Hill for its welcoming atmosphere—not unlike that of a quaint bed-and-breakfast—save for the lack of beds, breakfasts, and any real comforts of survivable living.

Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Frostfire Ridge - WoW (5)

Tell us more about the Horde Garrison.

Zachariah Owens: In addition to providing a lot of resources for crafting or portals to capitals, the Garrison you establish at Frostwall serves as a hangout for the many followers and visitors you find in your journey. There are many nooks and crannies to explore, some of which might have a treasure or two stashed away from some unscrupulous members of your Garrison.

As you level up you get a chance to choose different buildings that best suit your needs. Each choice has weight to it, as what you decide to build will augment your abilities within the Garrison and without, altering which quest lines might be available as well as what resources you have access to in certain zones. For Frostfire, you get a Barracks that will allow you to conduct patrol missions with your Followers. On top of that, you also get the zone ability Call to Arms, which allows you to call in reinforcements from your Garrison every so often to help you take down a particularly rough group of enemies or an elite monster.

As you continue your journey through Draenor, more and more of your discoveries will find their way back to your Garrison. Rescue someone from a cage during your adventuring, and they may appear later in your Garrison expressing their gratitude in the form of unique vendor items. In some cases, they’ll offer to become a Follower. We want the Garrison to feel alive, and it’s the staging point for many of your experiences throughout the expansion. Don’t be surprised if special quest-givers or vendors appear based on activities you’ve done in the world.

Of course, not everyone who comes to your Garrison is friendly. It’s important to remember that you are building an army, one capable of rivaling the Iron Horde. As you continue to foil their plans or lead attacks against certain factions, expect retaliation. Be prepared to defend your Garrison against invasions from foes of all sorts, calling upon your Followers or reinforcements that you’ve summoned in from Azeroth. This is your Garrison, and you are the commander.

Next, our perilous journey through Draenor will take us to the treacherous jungles and unforgiving canyons of Gorgrond, where opposing primeval forces are locked in an eternal battle. Stay tuned for more!

*No designers were harmed during the making of this interview.

Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Frostfire Ridge - WoW (2024)


How do you get Frostfire Ridge? ›

Players will get to Frostfire Ridge after completing the Dark Portal event, landing just west of Frostwall, the location of the Horde Garrison.

What is the storyline of Frostfire Ridge? ›

The Frostfire Ridge storyline is the Horde starting experience in Frostfire Ridge after getting through Warlords of Draenor intro experience. Here, players quickly set up their Garrison at Frostwall in the south-center portion of the zone, then work to help shore up the Frostwolf clan's defenses.

How do I get to Draenor in Dragonflight? ›

To get to Draenor, you can pick up the quest The Dark Portal from the Hero's Call Board in Stormwind or the Warchief's Command Board in Orgrimmar. If this quest is not available, travel to the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands and speak with Khadgar to start the quest.

How do you get to Draenor Horde? ›

How to get to draenor - Quora. Horde: Take the Ashran portal located in the Orgrimmar Portal Room. Alliance: Take the Ashran portal located in the Stormwind Portal Room. Neutral: Use your Garrison Hearthstone, Admiral's Compass, or a normal hearthstone set to a Draenor Inn.

Why was Draenor dying? ›

When the orc shaman Ner'zhul recklessly opened dimensional portals to find new worlds to conquer, Draenor was torn apart and believed completely lost.

Where is frostfire in wow? ›

Frostfire Ridge
Level: 10 - 50 Battle Pet Level: 23 - 25
AffiliationFrostwolf clan, Thunderlord clan, Gorian Empire, Breakers
LocationNorthwestern Draenor
PvP statusContested territory
11 more rows

How do you start the questline for Warlords of Draenor? ›

You can start your Warlords of Draenor questline with a boosted character by talking to the NPC at the entrance of Wizard Sanctum (Stormwind portal room) and teleporting to Blasted Lands. Enable trivial quests on minimap to see low level quests easily.

How to start Warlords of Draenor Chromie? ›

Find Chromie near the Orgrimmar Embassy. Speak with her to select a timeline. Select “The Iron Horde” to start the quest Warlords of Draenor: The Dark Portal. This quest simply leads you to Archmage Khadgar and the Assault on the Dark Portal.

How do I get back to the Draenor starting zone? ›

To pick up where you left off in the introduction to Warlords of Draenor questline, travel back to the Blasted Lands. Once in the zone, travel to the Dark Portal. Dismount and run through the Dark Portal to enter the Tanaan Jungle starting zone scenario.

Is Draenor a Horde or Alliance? ›

The Orcish Horde of Draenor (or new horde) is the term given to the loose alliance of orc clans of Draenor that remained on their planet during the orcish invasion of Azeroth.

How do I get Draenor resources? ›

Material is the currency for Garrisons, the new feature implemented in Warlords of Draenor. You get one Material every ten minutes, and it can also be a reward from quests, a drop from rare mobs, or found in treasure chests or events around the world.

Where is the Draenor raid entrance? ›

This raid is located in the center of Tanaan Jungle at coordinates 45.6, 53.5. If you have not unlocked Tanaan Jungle or flying for Draenor in the past, you can still get there on foot through the gate in northern Talador at coordinates 74.5, 8.

How to get frostfire bolt wotlk? ›

Frostfire Bolt is a mage ability, learned at level 75.

How do you unlock Frostfire remembrance? ›

How to Unlock Frostfire Remembrance. To obtain an Everburning Crystal, you must first unlock the Teleportation Nexus in your class order hall. To do this, speak with Chronicler Elrianne on the bottom floor of Hall of the Guardian. She will only be there if you have completed your order hall campaign up to !

How do I get from Frostfire Ridge to Gorgrond? ›

Getting there

The Horde can get here from Frostfire Ridge by traveling east through the Bones of Agurak and into Gorgrond Pass which enters into the southern area of Gorgrond.

How do you get Frostfire shoulderpads? ›

Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Frostfire Shoulderpads if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Shoulderpads, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.


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