10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (2024)

Recognized worldwide as the leading cause of heel pain, plantar fasciitis is a condition that affects the plantar fascia – a thin, flat band of connective tissue that extends from your heels to your toes. Often, plantar fasciitis is caused by injury, but sometimes it can develop simply as a result of overworked feet.

The inflamed, swollen, weakened structure causes pain to radiate from the toes to the heels, making it very difficult to walk. Fortunately, resolving the matter can be as simple as using a plantar fasciitis splint at night to encourage faster healing. Are you in the market in search for the best plantar fasciitis night splint? Say goodbye to those heel to toe woes and grab one of these premium choices for a fast and easy recovery.

Top 10 Plantar FasciitisNight Splints Chart

PictureNameLatex-FreePriceRating (1-5)
Rating (1-5)
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (1)1. StabilityAce Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint w/ 2 Stretch Wedge Sizes and Foot Massage BallYes$$4.3
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (2)2. Brownmed Nice Stretch 90 Patented Plantar Fasciitis Night SplintYes$$$4.2
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (3)3. MARS Wellness Plantar Fasciitis Posterior Night Splint - MediumNo$$4.1
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (4)4. VIVE Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint Soft Medical Brace BootYes$4.1
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (5)5. United Surgical Adjustable Night Splint w/Stretch WedgeYes$$4.0
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (6)6. Cramer Dorsal Night Splint for Effective Relief with Easy AdjustingYes$$3.9
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (7)7. ACE Plantar Fasciitis Sleep Support No$$3.7
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (8)8. MARS Wellness Comfort Dorsal Night Splint for Effective Relief From Plantar Fasciitis Yes$3.6
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (9)9. Pro-Tec Athletics Night Splint Yes$$$$3.5
10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (10)10. Futuro Night Plantar Fasciitis Sleep Support, Adjustable to Fit Yes$3.5

What You Need to Know About Buying a Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint

A plantar fasciitis night splint should give you enough support and comfort to help your injury recover sooner as you sleep through the night. There are lots of various designs however, and each one brings something different to the table.

For that reason, you should know that not every single option will work best for you – even if a lot of other users say it worked great for them. Remember, your body is unique and it might not respond the same way to certain options the way others have.

To help you make sure that the product you’re choosing really is the best plantar fasciitis night splint for you, keep these pointers in mind.

  • Ankle Positioning.Keep in mind that all the different parts of your body are connected. So while the ankle isn’t directly involved in a plantar fasciitis injury, it does play a role in your overall recovery.

A plantar fasciitis night splint should be able to put your ankle in the proper position so as to encourage better healing of the plantar fascia. When you wear your splint, your ankle should be in slight dorsiflexion – that is, the ankle joint should be slightly bent with the toes pointing upwards.

Some splints offer the option for users to adjust the splint manually so that it accommodates their foot in the proper position. Then there are others that are completely fixed, preventing any sort of manual adjustment.

With the latter, it’s always best to make sure that the splint fits you properly so that the proper joint positioning can be achieved.

  • Comfort.Imagine wearing a rigid splint around your entire leg for eight hours every night. You might find yourself waking up with a stiff feeling throughout your leg and foot, and uncomfortable creases where the splint may have embedded itself as you slept.

No doubt, wearing a splint can be uncomfortable especially if you make the mistake of choosing the wrong one. A well padded splint should provide enough comfort without sacrificing its original purpose.

Softer splints that are made of resilient fabrics like lycra and spandex are also available, but might not be ideal for more severe cases of plantar fasciitis.

  • Breathability.Your skin might give in to infection and chaffing if breathability is compromised. Without enough air making contact with your skin, you could open up doors to new complications that could make the treatment of your plantar fasciitis even more complex.

Soft fabric splints and stiff perforated splints provide greater air circulation to the skin of the affected area, but still provide sufficient support. Consider looking into these options if you feel you might encounter options concerning your skin.

Top 3 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint Reviews

1. StabilityAce Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint

10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (11)

Those looking for the best plantar fasciitis night splint are likely to come across the StabilityAce Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint. This premium night time splint features a latex-free design and adjustable measurements for a perfect and comfortable fit.

The splint comes with two removable soft wedges that are inserted under the foot to achieve differing levels of dorsiflexion. The surface of the splint features a soft, smooth, and comfortable texture, ideal for keeping your skin cool and your limb comfy throughout the night.

StabilityAce Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint comes with its own foot massage ball which is ideal for treating plantar fasciitis, for an all-around recovery tool. At a fairly reasonably price, the StabilityAce Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint is definitely an option you should check out.

2. Brownmed Patented Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint

10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (12)

Another great choice is the Nice Stretch 90 Patented Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint. It comes equipped with a sturdy ankle support that keeps the foot and leg at a perfect 90 degree angle. This can be ideal for individuals who have mild to moderate cases of plantar fasciitis.

The underside of the splint has a non-skid surface, allowing users to walk safely and with ease while the splint is on. It also comes with separate ice packs that can fit snugly while the splint is worn to provide greater comfort and encourage faster recovery.

The only problem with the splint is that the angle can’t be adjusted. However some users have simply added their own makeshift wedges to fit underneath their foot to lift the toes from the splint and create the desired angle.

3. MARS Plantar Fasciitis Posterior Night Splint

10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (13)

Breathable and lightweight, the Plantar Fasciitis Posterior Night Splint is a comfortable splint that features several different straps and reinforcements to prevent the device from coming off during the night.

The splint maintains proper airflow to the skin, and keeps it dry from sweat throughout the night for optimal comfort. it also features an aptly padded surface, cushioning your leg and preventing painful edges from embedding into the skin.

The device’s angle can be easily adjusted with a few straps that attach to the backing and the sole of the splint. The only real issue identified by users is that the straps themselves which secure the splint to the leg can be itchy.

10 Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splints - Med Consumers (2024)


What is the best night device for plantar fasciitis? ›

The Phantom Dorsal Night Splint is the perfect solution for those suffering from Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis. Its lower profile design enhances patient compliance, and there are no hard surfaces to contact the opposing leg during sleep, making it easier for the patient to wear it during the night.

Do night splints really work for plantar fasciitis? ›

According to a 2019 study published in the Human Kinetics Journal, “combining night splints and insoles led to enhanced improvements in pain and function” for people who suffered from plantar fasciitis.

What is the best thing to wear at night for plantar fasciitis? ›

Night splints work by stretching your foot arches and calves while you sleep. They come in hard and soft varieties, and are designed to be used for 1-3 months. They generally work best for people who've had plantar fasciitis pain and stiffness for at least six months.

What is the number one treatment for plantar fasciitis? ›

Stretching and Physical Therapy

Stretching is one of the best treatments for plantar fasciitis. Stretching should be focused on the plantar fascia and the Achilles tendon. A physical therapist can show you stretching exercises that you can repeat at home several times a day.

Does anything really help plantar fasciitis? ›

Most people who have plantar fasciitis recover in several months with conservative treatment, such as icing the painful area, stretching, and modifying or staying away from activities that cause pain.

Is there a machine to help with plantar fasciitis? ›

Fortunately, there is a nonsurgical option to treat plantar fasciitis. Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT) is a highly advanced, non-invasive treatment that can alleviate pain due to plantar fasciitis. Keep reading to learn more.

Does wearing socks to bed help plantar fasciitis? ›

Wearing specially designed socks for plantar fascia at night or putting them on and doing some stretches before you get out of bed can help alleviate this morning pain.

Can night splints make plantar fasciitis worse? ›

The key is balancing periods of rest with gentle stretches, and Dr. Glover often prescribes a series of customized stretches to release tension in your foot, heel, and ankle. Night splints help relieve plantar fasciitis pain by combining these two treatments.

How long should I wear a night splint for plantar fasciitis? ›

This position applies a constant, gentle stretch to the plantar fascia. It also stretches the Achilles tendon at the back of the heel, preventing it from contracting. You can wear night splints every night for up to several months. Then you can gradually reduce how often you use them as your symptoms go away.

Is it good to rub your feet if you have plantar fasciitis? ›

At-home massage and stretching can help relieve pain and help prevent the condition from becoming chronic. Plantar fasciitis pain tends to be most severe first thing in the morning. Self-massage before you get out of bed and put weight on your feet can help relieve pain.

Can plantar fasciitis get so bad you can't walk? ›

With time, the pain from plantar fasciitis steadily worsens. Your heel, arch, or sole may first feel a little sore. But with time, it could develop into a chronic ache that interferes with your sleep, rest, and nearly all other daily activities. Difficulty standing and walking.

What will make plantar fasciitis worse? ›

Eating too much sugar: When your blood sugar levels are high, your body releases molecules that can trigger inflammation and make heel pain worse. Standing for long periods: Spending too much time standing — especially if you're standing on a hard surface or in one position — makes the effects of plantar fasciitis ...

Why is plantar fasciitis so hard to get rid of? ›

One of the main reasons why plantar fasciitis takes so long to heal is because the plantar fascia is subjected to a lot of stress and strain on a daily basis. The feet bear the weight of the entire body and are subjected to a lot of impact, particularly when we engage in activities such as walking, running, or jumping.

Does Epsom salt help plantar fasciitis? ›

Epsom salts: This is one of the most popular choices among all-natural home remedies for plantar fasciitis because it can be so soothing. It is also inexpensive. Epsom salt can relieve pain and inflammation. The salts can help heal muscles and connective tissues.

Is plantar fasciitis considered a disability? ›

Depending on your symptoms and their severity, you could receive a disability rating of 40% or more for your plantar fasciitis. But you'll only maximize your chances of securing enough financial benefits to pay for medical bills and introduce job possibilities with the right legal experts on your side.

What do you wear around the house with plantar fasciitis? ›

Don't go barefoot.

You can get a pair of slippers or sandals with good support for use around the house. You should also wear a good pair of shoes with arch support during the day. Just because you do not feel the pain during the daytime doesn't mean you are not causing damage.

What should I wear at home for plantar fasciitis? ›

Another effective treatment is to wear a soft, flexible splint that holds your foot at a 90-degree angle while you are sleeping; this keeps the plantar fascia stretched out. You can also wear a splint while lying on the couch watching TV.


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.